

We are a registered society named Markaze Tasawwuf established in the precint of Dargah Sarkar Khwaja Qutubuddin Ba-Ikhtiyar kaki Q.S.A. It is guided by our spiritual Master Sarkar Sufi Ghyassuddin shah. We drive our spiritual Lineage from Qadri Shuttari Chisti Ghyasi spiritual home. Despite that we are not confined to any particular religion, sufi cult, catagory, lineage or order. We are as free as river, Air or any natural thing. We are open for all ideas. Love, service and awareness is our sole moto. We Consider That Spirituality Is Must for Human Development and It Opens Up New Dimensions of Life. Einstein, Newton, Rumi, Khalil Gibran Were All Sufis by Essence, We Believe That Whoever You Are, Accompany Us, Let’s Encounter the Beauty of Life Together.

What Is Sufism?


What is Sufism? The word “Sufism,” is a translation of the Arabic word tasawwuf, which refers to the action of being Sufi or, rather, of striving for tasawwuf.  The major goal of Sufism is to return man to his original purity, to the state in which he was not yet separated from the spiritual world. The relation between master and disciple is the most important part of Sufism…

Quran and Tasawwuf

Hadees and Saying

Teachings of Sufism

Teachings of Markaze Tasawwuf

Markaze Tasawwuf Meditation center

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In light of the ongoing pandemic (COVID-19)

June 5, 2020
In light of the ongoing pandemic (COVID-19) please note the following changes that would be adopted in the Markaze Tasawwuf ...


Concept of Reality - Markaze Tasawwuf

Concept of Reality | Markaze Tasawwuf | Quantum physics and Consciousness

June 28, 2020
“CONCEPT OF REALITY:  Understanding through Quantum physics and Consciousness.”   “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, It will ...

Daily Teaching


तालीम मरकज़े तसव्वुफ़

June 5, 2020
ऐ जल्दबाज़, सबर कर, तुझे खुशगवार नैमत मिलेगी तूने अल्लाह तआला को जाना और पहचाना ही नही अगर तूअल्लाह तआला ...